This animated poem, "People and Things", explains why every person needs to become an owner of productive capital, and not just depend on a wage system job for a living, particularly when automation and artificial intelligence starts destroying those jobs. It also answers the question of "Where will the money come from?" in order for asset-less citizens to be able to buy shares of companies that use the new technologies. For more information, visit
The Problem:
CT’s capitol city, Hartford’s, economy is slowly dying. Boarded up commercial strips, blighted residences, very little job creation, increasing poverty and the inability to meet the needs of its residents.
The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.
The CT property tax system underfunds our urban areas, leaving cities unable to solve their own problems, and they end up relying more and more on state aide over time.
Major corporate HQ’s and small businesses continue to leave, keeping the downtown office vacancy rate high, property values depressed, and tax revenue stagnant.
On top of all of this, we see local government invest millions of your tax dollars in downtown projects and very little in your neighborhoods!
Other Questions Remain…
Are you tired of developments that don’t improve your neighborhood?
Are you worried neighborhood revitalization is leading to gentrification?
Do you want to control investment in your neighborhood and see real improvements in the Quality of Life in Hartford?
The Solution:
Redevelop Hartford with a citizen-owned Development Co-Op
Redevelop Hartford into a modern, transit-oriented city that will attract young adults and the companies that seek to employ them;
Redevelop all of Hartford’s blighted property, updating Hartford’s old housing stock into modern, energy efficient apartments; putting millions back on the tax rolls;
High-speed rail from NYC to Hartford and Boston,;
High-speed internet throughout the city using fiber optics;
Development of the new road systems needed for self-driving cars;
Public transit system that eliminates the need to own or park a car in the city;
Redevelop Brainard Airport making it ready for the personal air-based transportation innovations of the future.
Provide equal dividend payments to all Co-Op owners once profits are generated.
The assets redeveloped by the Co-Op will be owned by the citizens of Hartford, not by the government, a non-profit nor a for-profit developer, nor an out-of-state slumlord.
We will use existing federal law to access loan interest loans from the Federal Reserve to redevelop Hartford.
The Fed loan will establish each registered member of the Co-Op with a share of the Co-Op that is paid back from the profits of the Co-Op. Once the Co-Op pay back the loan & generates profits, dividend checks will be issued to the Co-Op members (estimate with 5 years).
The Co-Op members will elect its Board of Directors and its President.
We need your help to launch the Hartford Development Co-Op
Join the Hartford Development Club for only $25 and help to create the Hartford Development Co-Op.